Friday, February 27, 2009

A Subpoena is a subpoena, is a subpoena, is a ........

On February 23, Karl Rove was supposed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee in accordance with a Congressional subpoena. But Karl Rove didn't show up. Again!

He didn't show up last year either when he was ordered to testify. He hid behind his buddy George who said Rove's testimony was protected by "executive privilege." Now Bush is no longer president (yippee!!), so we should expect Karl Rove to honor a subpoena like any other U.S. citizen! Finally we should have the opportunity to learn the truth about Karl Rove's misdeeds, from authorizing voter suppression tactics to orchestating the arrest of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman.

But even though we have a new president (yippee!), Karl Rove is still acting like he's entitled to all the privileges that may have come with his old job. 

But there is something that we can do. I just signed a petition telling Attorney General Eric Holder to compel Karl Rove to comply with the subpoena. When that day comes, I'll be glued to the TV to watch this weasel squirm.

It's called accountability, folks! Plus a lot of other words like, justice, honor, truth and the American Way!

And, hey, while we are at it, let's subpoena Dick Cheney about authorizing torture, a violation of both US and international law... how 'bout that?

Friday, February 20, 2009

"In Support of Shunning"

Media Matters for America sent out an email today with an essay, "In Support of Shunning," by Jamison Foser. It is a fascinating, well-researched article that underlines the hypocracy in the conservative media today. The article focuses on George Will, the much acclaimed Washington Post columnist and holier-than-thou conservative. While Will claims to be above reproach, Foser gives several examples of Will's lies and Will's attempts to bury the truth. For all of you who are concerned about truth in the media, this is a must read! I also highly recommend that you sign up for a daily email summary from Media Matters for America that highlights media falsehoods promoted by conservative media sources.