Tuesday, November 4, 2008

D Day

When Michele made her daily call to us at 8:00 AM, she called this "D Day." That is an apt name for today; or we could call it "anxiety day," "End of the Polls Day,"  "The End," or "The Beginning." For me it is an anxiety-filled, stay-glued-to-MSNBC and CNN, vote day and those that are STILL undecided probably aren't going to vote anyway!

If you have listened to James Carville recently, you know that he is very optimistic that Barack Obama will be President Obama at the end of the day. 

This morning Nate Silver at fivethirtyeight.com posted the following results:

Electoral Vote      Obama  348.6          McCain  189.4
Win Percentage    Obama  98.9%         McCain  1.1 %
Popular Vote         Obama  52.3%          McCain   46.2%

Senate                     Dems  57.1                Repos   40.9

And, by the way, Nate says to ignore exit polls -- they are notoriously unreliable.

And finally, my husband Jerry predicts Obama will have over 340 electoral votes!

It's a great day to be a Democrat!

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