Friday, September 19, 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Yes, I'm talking about you, Sarah Palin, damned conservative saint -- 
who lies about the bridge to nowhere, 
lies about pork, 
lies about funding for special needs children, 
lies about overseeing 20% of America's oil production,
lies about attempts to censor books,
lies about troopergate,
lies about your foreign travel,
lies about your tanning bed,
lies about your "open, transparent" governing,
lies about everything.

Yes, I'm talking about you, Sarah Palin, pit bull, barracuda --
firing people who tell you the truth and hiring high school pals,
holier than thou,
absentee mother,
never go anywhere without "First Dude" looking over your shoulder,
(why isn't he home with the children??),
anti-feminist throw-back,
hillbilly version of a Stepford Wife!

Do you honestly believe that if you tell a lie a bazillion times it becomes a truth?
Do you honestly believe that you know  better than the scientists who have studied global warming for decades?
Do you honestly oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest?
Do you honestly believe that you and "first dude" are above the law and can ignore subpoenas?
Do you honestly believe that since Russia is close to Alaska you have foreign policy experience?

Then, how in the name of hell can you possibly believe that you could ever represent me?

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