Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarah's Lack of Intellect

I read an excellent article at by Sam Harris a few days ago and another one by Goldie Taylor published as an opinion piece by Both writers talked about Sarah Palin and how unfit she is to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Sam Harris, an avowed atheist, did not attack Palin on religious grounds, but rather on her lack of "intellectual preparation" for the number 2 position in the United States Government. Harris states that there is no indication that Sarah Palin even sees a "role for careful analysis or a deep understanding of world events when it comes to deciding the fate of a nation."

Harris declares that the problem with all this lack of intellectualism is that half the population thinks it is great to have the gal next door lead the country. Scary thought, isn't it? So just what are those folks thinking? Why do we demand high standards, education and training in other sectors -- teachers, engineers, scientists, accountants, and on and on -- but when it comes to leading this nation we are willing to settle for any average or below average citizen from Texas, Alaska or any of the other 48 states? 

I highly recommend Sam Harris' article as a thoughtful look at "mediocre" in politics.

The blog that became an opinion piece on, brought me to tears. Goldy Taylor not only told her personal story of challenge and triumph, but did so in the context of the feminist movement. She very pointedly shows why a vote for any ticket with Sarah Palin on it will be a step backward. Sarah Palin is anti-feminism and doesn't even get it. Goldy Taylor clearly outlines the issues that by all indications Palin, by her silence, knows nothing about -- inner city problems, HIV/AIDS, Hurricane Katrina, the infant mortality rate in Appalachia, and more.

Taylor quotes a recent Gloria Steinem article in the Los Angeles Times that clearly defines feminism: "Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It's about making life more fair for women everywhere. It's not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It's about baking a new pie." Both Taylor and Steinem deplore the political tactic by the Republicans that women will vote for any woman on a ticket, regardless of who she is. 

But the metaphor used by Taylor that evoked such an emotional response in me, was that of a brick layer. Taylor talks of being able to walk on the bricks laid by other women before her and she vows to vote for "people who lay bricks for people like me" regardless of gender, theology or experience . That bricklayer, she says, is Barack Obama.

(Special thanks to my son-in-law for introducing me to Sam Harris by way of his book, The End of Faith, and to Erica for forwarding an email via Michele with Goldy Taylor's work.) 

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