Thursday, September 25, 2008

John McCain, Maverick

So just what is a "maverick" anyway? I love dictionaries and I love to look up a word, then look up one of its synonyms, then another one of those, and so on. Today I started with "maverick" and look where I ended up!!

Maverick, unbranded, unorthodox, non-conformist, unusual, non-traditional, unacceptable, contrary, oppositional, unfavorable, careless, to assail, detached, outsider, resistant, resists authority, unconventional, repugnant, insane, crazy, psychotic, inclined to disagree, unexpected, undesirable, opposite, counter to, conflicting, not common, without thought, moving forcefully, moving rapidly, without care, stubborn, pettish, to do as one wants without regard for consequences, unreasonable, illogical, insipid, weak, prone to change or fail, sudden mood changes, irregular, inconstant, unpredictable, impetuous, rash, impatient, fly-off-the-handle, outlier, unthoughtful, willful, irrational, wishy-washy, unstable, off center, changeable, lacking guiding principles, gut reaction, flounder, outside the norm, rebel, running wild, flip-flop, my way the only way, isolated decision-maker, loner, John McCain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite to date, Mom.