Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Politicizing of 9/11

Even after seven years, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the first airplane flying into the Twin Towers in New York City. I'll probably never forget it. It was the day we began to understand that some people in the world really did hate us beyond just the usual "ugly American" stuff, but that most of the world was grieving with us. Why we were (and still are) hated by the people represented by the terrorist groups has been slower to creep into our understanding and denied by many citizens and in many ways by our government as well. Our government's reaction to 9/11 has done nothing to  improve our safety nor our standing in the world, but probably has done much harm in both areas.  They have failed to understand that the Muslims are not to blame, the people of Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran are not to blame. Our wars against Afghanistan and Iraq have not brought those responsible for 9/11 to justice at all. They have only served to strengthen the resolve of the terrorists. Power yielded without social  responsibility, compassion and foresight is immoral, unethical and just plain wrong.

On top of that, for the Republican Party to use Guilliani's speech and the images of 9/11 in their campaign convention to continue feeding the fears of the American people is also immoral, unethical and just plain wrong.

I didn't hear much buzz about it during or after the convention and began to think that I was just being over-emotional about it all -- until I heard Keith Olbermann last evening. His comments should be heard loud and clear by every American. The McCain campaign with its Rovarian play book should be ashamed. McCain has dishonored himself and negated his service to our country.

On this day of national mourning -- I say, "Enough, Enough, Enough!" No more politics of fear.

1 comment:

Kent McFarland said...

The easiest way to control a group of people is fear. Fear of god, fear of the devil, fear of mountain lions, grizzlies, the dark, no oil, the neighbors, illegal aliens, foreign cultures, death, plane crashes, ... go ahead and name something and we have a group scaring the living shit out of us about it. At some point, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."