Wednesday, October 15, 2008

International View

It is very interesting to take a look at foreign media to check out what they are observing about U.S. politics. My friend Sue sent me an article from the UK Guardian about Sarah Palin. Of course the Brits haven't fallen for her hokie syntax and nasty barbs either! But the main point of the article, "Flirting Her Way to Victory," by Michelle Goldenberg was how Palin has lowered the standard for women in politics. Palin was taken to task for her winks and anti-feminism stance. 

When I went looking for the article online at the Guardian, I figured I could just do a search of the Guardian website on "Sarah+Palin." Whoa!! There were more negative articles and commentaries on Palin in this British paper than in the Bellingham Herald, Oil City Derrick and York Daily Record combined!! The rest of the world has her figured out -- anti-feminist, theocratic, uninformed, lying, out-of-her-league, fake. And yet in this country people flock to her rallies, profess their undying love, and feel good about her because "she's one of us." Scary, isn't it?

For a look at an Arab view of the racism in this campaign, check out the editorial, "Enough is Enough," in the Mid-East Times.

I found another interesting website that lets the world vote on the U.S. presidential election and gives instant results. If you had travel plans to tour Macedonia, I think you should consider canceling them!!

Lastly, Kent (who loves maps!) sent me a great interactive map that shows you CAN see Russia from Alaska, sort of.

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