Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah

Just when you think you have heard it all about Palin and she couldn't look any worse -- along comes the Troopergate report and the wildlife reports!

The report specifically said that, although what she did was not illegal, Palin abused the power of her office. Then Palin says that the report absolves her of illegal and unethical behavior!! Since when is abuse of power not unethical?? Is she nuts??? Doesn't speak well of her so-called "deep religious faith!" Holier-than-thou Sarah has one set of ethics for others and no ethics for herself -- all in the name of the lord! What hypocrisy!

On top of that a new video by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund tells us about her cruelty to wild animals in Alaska. I'm no biblical scholar, but I think I remember something about treatment of animals -- those of you more familiar with that text will need to correct me if I'm wrong.

Palin is not just a Post Turtle -- she's a pathetic excuse for leadership, ethics, morality, decency and feminism. Let's send her back to Alaska -- they elected her governor -- let them deal with her.

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