Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Power of Hate

Several people have emailed information to me regarding the surging "hate" rhetoric in political venues. They opened my eyes to just how deep the hate goes and it is frightening. 

The first was a link to a video of a commentary on conservative talk show hosts and writers who fire up conservatives to hate (and worse) liberals. I've never listened to these folks personally, so I had no idea how far they actually go on their talk shows and books. Disturbing, to say the least.

The second one was even more disturbing with clips from Palin's fundamentalist church in Wasilla and footage from supposed christian church camps that sound like Taliban schools.

I'm hoping these are just isolated things, not widespread, and will just go away after the election. But I'm afraid that this fundamentalism does exist in our country and in other countries too. When did people stop thinking for themselves? When did we stop thinking critically? When did it become okay to hate as long as it is done in the name of religion? or under the cloak of christian doctrine? And when will it end....

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