Friday, October 24, 2008

Top Ten Reasons I voted for Obama

I mailed my ballot in last week just 24 hours after it arrived in my mailbox. I just couldn't wait any longer to vote for Barack Obama. I've waited for almost two years to cast that ballot! Here are my Top 10 Reasons for Voting for Obama:

10.  He is a uniter; not a divider.
9.    He is intelligent, knowledgeable and a critical thinker; not a reactionary.
8.    He is a calm, cool and collected decision-maker; not prone to overreacting, anger and scattered attention.
7.    He is an excellent speaker capable of easily explaining the most complex concepts; not a talker who can't say what he means and just talks in pat phrases and platitudes.
6.    He is consistent in his philosophy, his approach and his policies; not one who tries to change his image and his message depending on the latest polls.
5.    He is a leader; not a panderer.
4.    He is patriotic, steadfast and loyal; not a maverick.
3.    His family values show by his actions; he doesn't just talk a good game.
2.    He is young, energetic and inspiring; not past his prime in both mental and physical health.
1.    He is hope, he is change we can believe in, and he is real; not the same old thing.

I voted for Barack Obama for my granddaughters and for their grandchildren because their future depends on this election. Please cast your ballot for Obama in order to guarantee a future life with liberty and the pursuit of happiness, with freedom, compassion and justice for all -- for all of our grandchildren!

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